Instructions Part 2

by Ellery Thompson

Inspired by Yoko Ono



cut all the leaves off a tree

wait a year for new ones to grow back

glue the old leaves back before autumn starts

and see which ones fall off first


people part 1

go to a park

take pictures of all the animals

there will probably be squirrels

show them to the animals

and nobody else


people part 2

sit outside on the street against a wall

and take a picture of every person you see for three hours

hang all the pictures on the wall

you may use tape

and take them down before the sun sees


walk outside every morning at 5:21am

catch a bird and have him live in your house for a week

see if any other birds come to your window

if they do release the old bird and keep the new one for a week

see how long you can keep a bird for

turn every light off at every place in the world at 2:00am there time

see if anyone notices

if they do turn their own light off every morning at 8:00 am for a month

record their response and send it to them


play a John Lennon song over and over for a day

cut out john’s voice and background vocals so that its just Yoko Ono

play the new version on repeat for a day

decide which one you like better


Take four apples off an apple tree

Eat one

Join the Johnny appleseed club

Send the second one to a friend

Don’t attach a note

Just write your name on the apple

You may use a sharpie

See if they join the Johnny appleseed club

Cut up the third apple

And give it to a stray dog

The dog will like it

See if the dog joins the Johnny appleseed club

Then cut the apple into pieces

One for each house you’ve lived them


Play the song

“within you without you”

three times each morning

and two times at night

for three days

then watch the movie

the secret garden



Knock on the door

Of everybody who has ever made you cry

Leave before they have time to answer

But not too quick

So they can see your footprints on the ground before them


Keep a journal

Every day for a year

At the end of the year

Give the journal to the person you wrote most about

And give a second copy to the person you wrote the least about

And see who responds first


Spread peanut butter on a piece of bread

Spread jelly on a piece of bread

Put the pieces together


Cut them in half

Eat one half immediately

And save the other half

For a rainy day


Say hello

To every living thing you see

For an hour

And see how many times you say hi

for the next hour


Say hi to everything you see you care about

Including material things

See how many times you say hi

Say every word you speak backwards

For one day

And put a tally on your leg every time

Somebody doesn’t understand you

You may use either leg


Stand in a empty pool when it is raining

Don’t get out until the pool is filled up to your nose

This may take many days

Try not to complain

The more strenuous task is getting the water back out of the pool

You may require a bucket

But you can only use it if you use a shovel as well


Correct one person a day on a word rightfully pronounced

And see if they correct you back

If they do correct you

send them a dead flower for every syllable of the word

If they do not correct you

Send them a real flower for each eye they have


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